White Faced Ibis

White Faced Ibis


The White Faced Ibis (Plegadis chihiare described as “A dark wading bird with a long, down-curved bill. The White-faced Ibis is a western replacement for the Glossy Ibis. Similar in appearance and habits, the two species can be distinguished only by slight differences in coloring of the face and legs.” They are a seasonal visitors of Colorado but they are wonderful additions to waterways and streams. The White Faced Ibis work through the mud seeking insects and other edibles. They are known for their vibrant iridescent feathers that shine green and maroon. They are absolutely lovely to watch fly and wander in local stream habitats.

The background image was gathered out of state but reflects their watery habitats. The vibrancy of the background compliments the feathers of the specimen. I hope you enjoy the print as much as I do.


About the print


Print – 26″ x 20″

Completed 2016, Print #38 from the series “Resurrecting Audubon’s Birds of America”

Edition of 120 signed archival prints

Learn more about this species at allaboutbirds


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