[Art] Series Statement - Resurrecting Audubon’s Birds of America
John James Audubon Birds of America is the depiction of birds that is heralded as some of the most natural and life‐like images of bird life and their habitat.
[Blog + New Art] My middle name is Rose…
And did it influence this new piece? I’m not sure, but that fact remains the same.
[Blog] Artists You’ll Fall For! Neile Cooper
About the series - I realized there’s a whole heap of artists I know that I just love, adore, and envy (in a good way!) So why not toot their creative horns and share their pictures and stories. Enjoy!
Getting the Robin(s) was awesome. I’ve always have a close affection for this print, and although I wasn’t worried I would get one, but get a youngster, an adult, AND find a nest.
[Blog] My next sculpture + 300 miles + Humble Pie
To begin - there was no slice of pie. I ate the whole fucking thing. It tasted salty, much like what I think reality tastes like. And boy howdy did I experience that taste heavily this weekend.
4 Pieces in a week (or How My Working Process Works Me)
It’s been months since I’ve finished any new work. Facts like this hang over my head like that little cartoon cloud we all love to hate. Mine sits like a fog, right at temple level, and water trickles down my face. Safe to say it annoys the hell out of me until I do something about it.
[Blog] Ruffled Feathers 2 - The Evil Great Horned Owl
The first big bird I received from the University of Colorado Natural History Museum was a Great Horned Owl.
[Blog] Ruffled Feathers 1 – Cliff Swallow
When this project started in 2012, I was not photographing at The Denver Museum of Nature and Science. Frankly, the idea of pitching this project to an esteemed facility such as DMNS was way out of my wheelhouse.
Conch & Triggerfish
Conch & Triggerfish
Product Lifestyle Catering
Lifestyle product photography is ideal for putting your products into the context of daily life and daily use.
Eco-Products Kids Logo
It was time for Eco-Products to expand their product offering.
Eco-Products This is Why™ Hot Cups
The Direction - Eco-Products felt that their stock cups designs need a refresh.
Warhol Naked & Unlabeled Collection
Featured on the USA Today kickstarter blog, this collection features 32 pieces based off Andy Warhol’s original series based around the Campbell’s Soup varieties found in 1962.
Prints of collection available for sale. Edition of 50, 36″ x 24″ based on original Andy Warhol work.
About Andy Warhol’s original work
Single soup variety prints available for sale. Edition of 100 signed and numbered prints, all prints 16″ x 20″
[Blog] Let’s Ruffle Some Feathers
Last month I had the opportunity to exhibit at Hapa Sushi and Sake Bar in Boulder. It was my second solo show graciously provided by Jarred of 1/1 Magazine who coordinated the initial show at Crimson Hilt Tattoo.
Sealife Sculpture
My mother, Robin Starkey, was a well known sculptor in Loveland.
[ART] Artist Statement - Andy Warhol Naked & Unlabeled
This series was revived in 2013 after its original execution in 2007.
Product Photos at Red Rocks
Here’s a challenge - how often do you get an opportunity to photograph a product with a background so beautiful that it will potentially outshine your subject matter?