It’s not often a Tagline gets a refresh by accident, but that’s the case for “This is Why”
Eco-Products original tagline (generated during a rebrand by Cultivator) simply stated “Green is All We Do”™ This statement condensed Eco-Products ideology behind all of their product design and marketing for the last 20 years.
When working on what would become the “This is Why” Product and Campaign launch, Lindsey utilized vivid nature photography and with it came her “Aha” moment that this ideology did not have the visual confirmation behind their actions. Simply put - they did not answer the simple question “Why” and with the combination of these images and adding the words “This is why” to create “This is Why Green is All We Do”™ came a cohesive visual execution that furthered Eco-Products brand strategy.
Tagline became campaign. “This is Why” became the cover page for company catalog, a series of youtube videos, and the centerpiece for the tradeshow booth for the National Restaurant Association Tradeshow in Chicago.